Searching for Absorption: Finding Flow in Your School Day.
Have you ever wondered how much your screen time (time in front of television, surfing internet, Facebook, instant messaging) affects your ability to immerse yourself in your schoolwork?
Take a break from all screen time (except academic use of computers) for 2 days, and determine whether your ability to concentrate increases or decreases. If focused attention increases during this trial period, be sure to decrease screen time during busy times in your academic semester.
# Alhamdulillah syukur, saya berjaya memberi sepenuh perhatian dalam pelajaran selepas menutup akaun Facebook. Secara peribadi, Facebook ada faedah dan kebaikannya dari segi komunikasi dan interaksi. Walau bagaimanapun, Facebook juga memberikan banyak kesan buruk, melalaikan seseorang dan pelajaran atau kerja terganggu serta kurang beribadat kepadaNYA.
About Me
- Muhamad Zhafry Hakim
- ~Bachelor of Human Sciences (Psychology)(Honours) IIUM (2012)~ ~Fluent in Malay, English & Arabic~
Blog Archive
- Cross-Cultural Counseling Seminar 2013
- Statistics exam paper
- A Picture Worth A Thousand Words - with Lecturers ...
- Political Psychology Class - Sweet Memory - 2010/2011
- Cognitive Psychology - Group Project - In Memory
- In Memoriam from 2007-2012
- Pay More Attention!!!
- Mindfulness, Flow and Spirituality
- David Myers's Suggestions for a Happier Life
- Life Enhancement Strategies
- Personally & Exclusively with Imam Muda Asyraf
- Law of Universal & Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Kebijaksanaan seseorang ingati mati
- Looking forward "Positive Psychology"
- Towards an Islamic Perspective of Developmental Ps...
- Career Counseling exam paper
- Group Counseling exam paper